CGA Inlets, Nuts and Nipples
GENTEC® Regulator Inlets, Outlets, and Accessories are accurately machined, with high quality brass, to meet CGA specifications. All inlet…
Stainless Steel Low Pressure Diaphragm Valves
DV51 Series
Medium Duty Single Stage Cylinder Regulators
152 Series
Designed for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating applications, these regulators are ideal for industrial application, farm repairs and…
Dual Port Ball Valves
Ball valves are composed of double seal, three piece in-line serviceable ball-type design, with forged bronze/brass body and chrome-plated brass ball…
Extra Heavy Duty Two Stage Cylinder Regulators
155T Series
Model 155T Series Compressed Gas Regulators are dual-stage extra heavy duty models designed for applications where precise and constant outlet…
Chemetron® Gas Outlets
The "Positive Latch" outlet is a two-piece outlet console designed especially to accept only Chemetron style gas specific adapters.Each…
Oxy-Acetylene/Hydrogen Heating Mixers
Single-Bank Manifold Systems
5200 Series
5200 series single-bank manifold system is designed for a single source of gas supply from one cylinder bank. Although this system can be used as a…
Light Duty Single Stage Flowmeter Regulators
191 Series
Model 191 Series Flowmeter Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow.They are also ideal for…
Radiator High Pressure Two Stage Regulators
462TF Series
Designed for use with CNG cylinders. the 462TF prevents freezing through a unique heat sink design. The heat transfers through the heat sink…
Two Stage Flowmeter Regulators
195T Series
Model 195 Series “MIG MASTER” Flowmeter Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow…
Gold Series Heavy Duty Outfits
1130 Series
Heavy Duty Outfits in Deluxe Tool Bag for Industrial & Commerical Applications