G-Smart Adult Test Lung
The G-Smart Adult Test Lung is designed to provide accurate demonstrations and testing applications on mechanical adult ventilators.The G-Smart Adult…
Pressure Build/Economizer Regulators
LCC851 Series
A combination of gas maintenance, improved efficiency and prevention of gas loss all in one unit.
Cryogenic Presure Gauges
G5010/GR5010 Series
For cryogenic applications requiring vibration resistant pressure gauge.
Cryogenic Pressure Gauge
For cryogenic applications requiring vibration resistant pressure gauge.
Excess Flow Valves
EV41/EV45 Series
Used in cryogenic liquid cylinders or piping systems to prevent uncontrolled release of cryogenic fluid in the event of a rupture or abnormal excess…
Cryogenic Relief Valves
RV95 Series
This safety valve is specifically designed for cryogenic gases, and can be used for pipeline systems, cryogeniccylinders, or small cryogenic tanks…
Cryogenic Check Valves
LCV05 Series
Suitable for cryogenic liquefied natural gas bottles or othercontainers, effectively restricts flow in one direction
Cryogenic Check Valves
LCV01 Series
Suitable for cryogenic liquefied natural gas bottles or othercontainers, effectively restricts flow in one direction
Traction Splint
Gentec traction splint effectively realigns a fractured femur to proper position, effectively reducing pain, restoring profusion and inhibiting…