Handi-Vac Manual Suction Unit
MSP-1 & MSP-1-PK
GENTEC MSP-1 Handi Pump Kit includes a reusable pump, one canister, adult and child catheterGENTEC MSP-1-PK Handi Pump Kit includes a…
Venturi Vacuum Modules
Traction Splint
Gentec traction splint effectively realigns a fractured femur to proper position, effectively reducing pain, restoring profusion and inhibiting…
Head Immobilizer
The Gentec Head Immobilizer conforms to all the backboards and scoop stretchers, made of vinyl-coated closed cell foam to provide great support and…
High Pressure Ball Valves
BV635 Series
High Pressure Ball Valves
BV615 Series
Ball Valves
BV112/BV113/BV114/BV116/BV118 Series
5-Way Ball Valves
BV52 Series
4-Way Ball Valves
BV42 Series
3-Way Ball Valves
BV33/BV34/BV35 Series
2-Way Ball Valves
BV13/BV14/BV15/BV16/BV18 Series