Continuous/Intermittent Suction Regulators
881VR Series
The 881VR Series Continuous/Intermittent (Combo) Suction Regulators provides both continuous regulated suction and intermittent regulated suction…
Disposable Bacteria Filters
GENTEC Disposable Bacteria Filters are designed to be used with vacuum regulator and vacuum systems.
Excess Flow Valves
EV41/EV45 Series
Used in cryogenic liquid cylinders or piping systems to prevent uncontrolled release of cryogenic fluid in the event of a rupture or abnormal excess…
Heat Shield
GENTEC GHS-14 Heat Shield is designed to protect the surrounding area from the hot flame. It also keeps the flame stable in windy areas. One size…
Handi-Vac Manual Suction Unit
MSP-1 & MSP-1-PK
GENTEC MSP-1 Handi Pump Kit includes a reusable pump, one canister, adult and child catheterGENTEC MSP-1-PK Handi Pump Kit includes a…
Pressure Build/Economizer Regulators
LCC851 Series
A combination of gas maintenance, improved efficiency and prevention of gas loss all in one unit.
Suction Jars
SJ Series
GENTEC SJ Series Reusable Canisters are manufactured to be durable and autoclavable (up to 134°C), designed for use with Gentec Suction…
Cryogenic Regulators
LC851, LCE851, LCC851 Series
The LC Series Regulator is available in three functions: Pressure Build, Economizer, and the Combination Pressure Build/Economizer. All regulators…
Venturi Suction Regulators
880VS Series
Genstar Technologies is proud to announce the addition of the Gentec Venturi suction regulator to our portfolio of vacuum regulators, with its unique…
Cryogenic Relief Valves
RV95 Series
This safety valve is specifically designed for cryogenic gases, and can be used for pipeline systems, cryogeniccylinders, or small cryogenic tanks…
Air Acetylene Swirl Flame Tips
GENTEC Air-Gas Tips are constructed with stainless steel and brass. Swirl flame tips produce a very hot efficient flame for fast soldering and…
Venturi Vacuum Modules