Continuous/Intermittent Suction Regulators
881VR Series
The 881VR Series Continuous/Intermittent (Combo) Suction Regulators provides both continuous regulated suction and intermittent regulated suction…
Portable Oxygen Kit
Handi-Vac Manual Suction Unit
MSP-1 & MSP-1-PK
GENTEC MSP-1 Handi Pump Kit includes a reusable pump, one canister, adult and child catheterGENTEC MSP-1-PK Handi Pump Kit includes a…
Venturi Vacuum Modules
Collection Station
Venturi Suction Regulators
880VS Series
Genstar Technologies is proud to announce the addition of the Gentec Venturi suction regulator to our portfolio of vacuum regulators, with its unique…
Wall Slides
The Gentec Wall slide is the perfect complement to your suction jar. It is easy to use and assemble.
Suction Jars
SJ Series
GENTEC SJ Series Reusable Canisters are manufactured to be durable and autoclavable (up to 134°C), designed for use with Gentec Suction…
Suction Jars
DJ Series
GENTEC DJ Series Disposable Canister is an one-time use collection jar designed for use with Gentec Suction Regulators.
Continuous Suction Regulators
882VR Series
The 882VR Series Continuous-only Suction Regulators are light-weight, portable, and rugged. It is available in four vacuum ranges: 0-160, 0-200, 0…