Continuous/Intermittent Suction Regulators
881VR Series
The 881VR Series Continuous/Intermittent (Combo) Suction Regulators provides both continuous regulated suction and intermittent regulated suction…
Handi-Vac Manual Suction Unit
MSP-1 & MSP-1-PK
GENTEC MSP-1 Handi Pump Kit includes a reusable pump, one canister, adult and child catheterGENTEC MSP-1-PK Handi Pump Kit includes a…
Continuous Suction Regulators
882VR Series
The 882VR Series Continuous-only Suction Regulators are light-weight, portable, and rugged. It is available in four vacuum ranges: 0-160, 0-200, 0…
Suction Tubes & Filters
GENTEC Suction Tubing and Filter are designed to be used with suction regulator, suction trap, and suction canisters.
Venturi Vacuum Modules
Suction Gauges
GENTEC Suction Gauges are offered in both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.
Wall Slides
The Gentec Wall slide is the perfect complement to your suction jar. It is easy to use and assemble.