Nitrogen Gas Generators
The N34M Series Nitrogen Generator is designed specifically for use as flame gas for GC Applications, which require zero air for operation.
Nitrogen Gas Generators
The N341M Nitrogen Generator is proven solution for customers requiring nitrogen for their LCMS application. Extensive testing of the generator by…
Hydrogen Gas Generators
The G Series Hydrogen Generators are designed to offer a pure source of hydrogen for your GC Application, for Flame Ionization detection (FID) or…
Manual Dual-Bank Manifold
P3300 Series
GENTEC® P3300 Series Manual Dual-Bank Manifold is designed to provide accurate control of a variety of gases used in research laboratories,…
Manual Single-Bank Manifold
P3200 Series
GENTEC® P3200 Series Manual Single-Bank Manifold is designed to provide accurate control of a variety of gases used in research laboratories…
Dual Header Manifolds
150/160 Series
GENTEC® 150/160 Series Manifold System is designed to supple High Purity Gas from one bank, then allow for manual switchover to the other…
Single Header Manifolds
110/120 Series
GENTEC® 110/120 Series offers a safe efficient method of connecting multiple cylinders to a common gas supply line to provide centralized…