Auto-Ignite Swirl Flame Hand Torch
GENTEC 8Q-44TP Auto-Ignite Hand Torch features a push button igniter, flame-lock button, stainless steel burn tube, high output replaceable stainless…
Hand Torch Components
GENTEC Hand Torches for disposable MAPP® or Propane tanks are designed for professional jobs. Swirl flame tips produce a hot efficient flame for…
Hand Torch Kits
88QH-1/88QH-3/88QH-33 Kit
GENTEC Hand Torches for disposable MAPP® or Propane tanks are designed for professional jobs. Swirl flame tips produce a hot efficient flame for…
Air Propane/MAPP Kits
KP Series
Air Actylene Kits
KA Series
GENTEC Air-Gas Kits feature the highest quality and best value Air-Fuel tips and torch handles for brazing and soldering. Front and rear valves on…
Emergency Oxygen Connection Boxes
Emergency low pressure oxygen connection boxes are required by NFPA99 for most bulk oxygen installations. This emergency oxygen connection box is…