Air Propane/MAPP Auto Ignite Swivel Kits
Heat Shield
GENTEC GHS-14 Heat Shield is designed to protect the surrounding area from the hot flame. It also keeps the flame stable in windy areas. One size…
Air-Acetylene/Air-Propane/MAPP® Torch Handles
Air-Gas Torch Handles
Air Acetylene Auto-Ignite Kits
KASL Series
FMB197 Series
The Nebbulator is multifaceted and makes itself very convenient and time saving for hospital staff.
Air Propane/MAPP Auto Ignite Kits
KPSL Series
Auto-Ignite Swirl Flame Hand Torch
GENTEC 8Q-44TP Auto-Ignite Hand Torch features a push button igniter, flame-lock button, stainless steel burn tube, high output replaceable stainless…
The Compact Torch Components
Gentec Compact Torch™ gets you into tight spaces and allows you to do more precise work than any other torch on the market! The Compact Torch&…
Oxygen and Air Flowmeters
CFM Series
These click style Oxygen and Air flowmeters were designed for use in ambulances, hospitals and portable oxygen systems; there is no flow adjustment,…