Gold Series Heavy Duty Outfits
1130 Series
Heavy Duty Outfits in Deluxe Tool Bag for Industrial & Commerical Applications
Cryogenic Check Valves
LCV01 Series
Suitable for cryogenic liquefied natural gas bottles or othercontainers, effectively restricts flow in one direction
Gold Series Medium Duty Outfits
1121 Series
Medium Duty Outfits in Deluxe Tool Bag for General Purposes
Gold Series Heavy Duty Outfits
1131 Series
Heavy Duty Outfits in Deluxe Tool Bag for Industrial & Commercial Applications
Cryogenic Shut-Off Valves
V902 Series
For effective use on cryogenic liquid cylinders or piping systems that may require an in line Shut-Off valve.
Gold Series Medium Duty Outfits
1120 Series
Medium Duty Outfits in Deluxe Tool Bag for General Purposes
Silver Series Tote-a-Torch Outfits
72-PT Series
Excess Flow Valves
EV41/EV45 Series
Used in cryogenic liquid cylinders or piping systems to prevent uncontrolled release of cryogenic fluid in the event of a rupture or abnormal excess…