Light Duty Single Stage Flowmeter Regulators
195 Series
Model 195 Series “MIG MASTER” Flowmeter Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow…
195FM Series
Model 195FM Series Flowmeters are designed for accurate regulation of gas flow.
Stainless Steel High Purity Diaphragm Valves
DV54 Series
Two Stage Flowmeter Regulators
195T Series
Model 195 Series “MIG MASTER” Flowmeter Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow…
Air Acetylene Tip Ends
These stainless replacement tip ends improve the swirl flame. They last longer than standard brass tips.
Stainless Steel High Flow Diaphragm Valves
DV88 Series
Stainless Steel High Purity Diaphragm Valves
DV84 Series
Stainless Steel High Purity Diaphragm Valves
DV82 Series
Stainless Steel Multi-way Diaphragm Valves
DV53 Series
Stainless Steel Low Pressure Diaphragm Valves
DV51 Series
Brass Multi-way Diaphragm Valves
DV13 Series