Light Duty Single Stage Flow Gauge Regulators
190AR1 Series
Model 190AR1 Series Flow Gauge Regulators are designed for light duty MIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow, and reliable…
Light Duty Single Stage Flow Gauge Regulators
190 Series
Model 190 Series “MIG METER” Flow Gauge Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow…
Dual Flowmeter Regulators
196 Series
Model 196 Series Flowmeter Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow.They are also ideal for…
Air Propane/MAPP Kits
KP Series
Air Actylene Kits
KA Series
GENTEC Air-Gas Kits feature the highest quality and best value Air-Fuel tips and torch handles for brazing and soldering. Front and rear valves on…