Medium Duty Single Stage Cylinder Regulators
853LCR Series
The 853LCR Series Liquid Cylinder Regulator are specifically designed for gaseous withdrawal of Liquid Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen cylinders…
Medium/Heavy Duty Acetylene Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is ideal for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating…
Medium Duty Acetylene Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is ideal for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating…
Light/Medium Duty Acetylene Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact rear-entry design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is ideal for light and medium duty gas welding,…
Medium/Heavy Duty Oxygen Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is best for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating…
Medium Duty Oxygen Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is best for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating…
Light/Medium Duty Oxygen Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact rear-entry design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is best for light to medium duty gas welding,…
High Pressure Piston Regulators
591 Series
Model 591 Series High Pressure Piston Regulators feature a reliable piston design for precise gas control at high inlet and delivery pressures rating…
Nitrogen Gas Generators
The N34M Series Nitrogen Generator is designed specifically for use as flame gas for GC Applications, which require zero air for operation.
Nitrogen Gas Generators
The N341M Nitrogen Generator is proven solution for customers requiring nitrogen for their LCMS application. Extensive testing of the generator by…
Hydrogen Gas Generators
The G Series Hydrogen Generators are designed to offer a pure source of hydrogen for your GC Application, for Flame Ionization detection (FID) or…
Heavy Duty Single Stage Cylinder Regulators
155HF Series
These high pressure, high flow models are designed for heavy duty cutting, industrial applications, laboratory testing, manifold installations, etc.