Nitrogen Tire Inflation Kits
GENTEC® Nitrogen Tire Inflation Kits allow for easy and cost effective filling of automobile and truck tires with pure nitrogen. The kits are…
Light Duty Single Stage Compact Pre-Set Flow Regulators
227 Series
Model 227 Series Flow Regulators are designed for light duty applications using carbon dioxide (CO2) or nitrogen (N2). Preset delivery…
Spring & Dome Loaded Regulators
156D Series
These combination spring and dome loaded models are designed for high flow gas supply systems. With the combined spring and dome loading, the…
Balloon Filler Regulators
230HB Series
Model 230HB “Balloon Blower” has an all-rugged brass body and, “Piston Type” mechanism. It is drilled and tapped for a tie…
195FM Series
Model 195FM Series Flowmeters are designed for accurate regulation of gas flow.
Medium Duty Single Stage Station Regulators
152S Series
Designed for use with gas distribution systems with light to medium flow applications. Maximum inlet pressure of 200 PSIG. NOT FOR USE ON…
Light Duty Single Stage Flowmeter Regulators
191 Series
Model 191 Series Flowmeter Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow.They are also ideal for…
Medium Duty Oxygen Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is best for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating…
Compressed Gas Acetylene Regulator
Featuring a compact design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is ideal for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating…
Nitrogen Gas Generators
The N34M Series Nitrogen Generator is designed specifically for use as flame gas for GC Applications, which require zero air for operation.