The Compact Torch Components
Gentec Compact Torch™ gets you into tight spaces and allows you to do more precise work than any other torch on the market! The Compact Torch&…
Gas Saving Flowmeter Regulator
GENTEC® Gas Saving Flowmeter Regulators are designed to minimize the amount of shield gas wasted. The innovative design integrates a stabilizer…
Dual Flowmeter Regulators
196 Series
Model 196 Series Flowmeter Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow.They are also ideal for…
Light/Medium Duty Oxygen Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact rear-entry design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is best for light to medium duty gas welding,…
High Purity Dual Stage Low Flow Regulator
R31B Series
GENTEC® R31B Series Brass Regulator is a Diaphragm-Sensed Dual-Stage High Purity regulator designed for analytical applications where a…
High Purity Sensitive Back Pressure Regulator
R77B Series
GENTEC® R77B Series Back Pressure Brass Regulator is a Diaphragm High Purity regulator designed for analytical applications where a constant…
High Purity Medium Flow Regulator
R34SL Series
GENTEC® R34SL Series Stainless Steel Regulator is a diaphragm-sensed dual-stage high purity regulator designed for applications where a…
Air Acetylene Tip Ends
These stainless replacement tip ends improve the swirl flame. They last longer than standard brass tips.
Medium Duty Single Stage Pipeline Regulators
152L Series
Designed for use with gas distribution systems in medium to heavy duty flow applications, with a maximum inlet pressure of 350 PSIG NOT FOR…
Light Duty Single Stage Flow Gauge Regulators
190 Series
Model 190 Series “MIG METER” Flow Gauge Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow…
Medium/Heavy Duty Acetylene Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is ideal for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating…