Balloon Filler Regulator
Model 230HGMYA is both a standard latex and auto-fill mylar balloon inflator. All-rugged brass body and “Piston-Type” mechanism. It is…
Check Valves
GENTEC® Check Valves prevent reverse flow of gases which can cause dangerous mixtures. Choose from four styles to fit your needs: 24-CV5 series…
Nitrogen Tire Inflation Kits
GENTEC® Nitrogen Tire Inflation Kits allow for easy and cost effective filling of automobile and truck tires with pure nitrogen. The kits are…
Heavy Duty Single Stage Pipeline Regulators
155L Series
Designed for use with heavy flow gas distribution systems, with a maximum inlet pressure of 350 PSIGNOT FOR USE ON CYLINDERS.
Silver Series Tote-a-Torch Outfits
72-PT Series
Medium/Heavy Duty Acetylene Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is ideal for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating…
Gold Series Medium Duty Outfits
1121 Series
Medium Duty Outfits in Deluxe Tool Bag for General Purposes
195FM Series
Model 195FM Series Flowmeters are designed for accurate regulation of gas flow.
Compressed Gas Acetylene Regulator
Featuring a compact design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is ideal for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating…
Machine Cutting Torches
MC Series
GENTEC® Machine Cutting Torches are designed to handle all applications of machine cutting. They are available in two-hose and three-hose…