Medium Duty Two Stage Cylinder Regulators
152T Series
Designed for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating applications. These two-stage regulators provide precise and constant delivery over a wide…
Extra Heavy Duty Two Stage Manifold Regulators
155TM Series
Model 155TM Series Manifold Regulators are specially designed for manifold systems. They are ideal for use with extra heavy flow gas…
MP-H/MP-L Series
Silver Series Tote-a-Torch Outfits
72-PT Series
Light/Medium Duty Oxygen Silver Series Regulator
Featuring a compact rear-entry design to meet the demands of special installation. This regulator is best for light to medium duty gas welding,…
Balloon Filler Regulators
230HB Series
Model 230HB “Balloon Blower” has an all-rugged brass body and, “Piston Type” mechanism. It is drilled and tapped for a tie…
Air Acetylene Auto-Ignite Kits
KASL Series
Longitudinal Seamer
LS Series
GENTEC seamers are designed for straight line welding of all weldable metals of thickness from 0.1mm to 10mm. It provides 100% penetration, single…
Digital Automatic Manifold Systems
GM2-D series
GM2-D series digital automatic manifold system is designed to provide an uninterrupted gas supply. The fully automatic digital manifold system…