Light Duty Single Stage Compact Pre-Set Flow Regulators
229 Series
Model 229 Series Flow Regulators are designed for light duty MIG applications where compact size and preset delivery flow are desirable. Piston-type…
Medium Duty Single Stage Cylinder Regulators
853 Series
Designed for medium to heavy duty gas welding, cutting and heating applications, these single-stage regulators provide top performance in a wide…
Air Acetylene Tips
GENTEC Quick Connect, Swirl Flame Auto-Ignite Tips eliminate the need for spark lighters. Ignition with the push of a button saves time and fuel cost…
Light Duty Single Stage Compact Pre-Set Flow Regulators
220 Series
Model 220 “PACER” Flow Regulators are designed for light duty MIG applications where compact size and preset delivery flow are desirable…
Air Acetylene Tip Ends
These stainless steel replacement tip ends improve the swirl flame. They last longer than standard brass tips.
Medium Duty Single Stage Cylinder Regulators
452 Series
Designed for medium to heavy duty gas welding, cutting, and heating applications, 452 Series is a Harris style regulator with a 2-3/4" diaphragm…
Oxy-Acetylene/ Hydrogen Welding Mixers
Extra Heavy Duty Two Stage Cylinder Regulators
155T Series
Model 155T Series Compressed Gas Regulators are dual-stage extra heavy duty models designed for applications where precise and constant outlet…
Medium Duty Single Stage Station Regulators
853S Series
Designed for medium to high flow gas distribution systems in medium to heavy duty flow applications. Maximum inlet pressure of 200 PSIG. …
Tote-A-Torch Outfits
KM50/KP50 Series
Dual Flowmeter Regulators
196 Series
Model 196 Series Flowmeter Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow.They are also ideal for…