High Pressure Back Pressure Regulator
R73SL Series
GENTEC® R73SL Series Back Pressure Regulator is a Piston-Sensed High Purity back regulator designed for analytical applications where a…
Medium Duty Single Stage Cylinder Regulators
453 Series
Designed for medium to heavy duty gas welding, cutting and heating applications, these single-stage regulators provide top performance in a wide…
Click-Style Regulator with Hose Barb Outlet
287 & 288 Series
Air-Acetylene/Air-Propane/MAPP® Torch Handles
Air-Gas Torch Handles
Two Stage Flowmeter Regulators
195T Series
Model 195 Series “MIG MASTER” Flowmeter Regulators are designed for MIG &TIG applications to provide accurate regulation of gas flow…
Gold Series Heavy Duty Outfits
1130 Series
Heavy Duty Outfits in Deluxe Tool Bag for Industrial & Commerical Applications
Air Propane/MAPP Tip Ends
These stainless replacement tip ends improve the swirl flame. They last longer than standard brass tips.
Medium Duty Single Stage Cylinder Regulators
152 Series
Designed for medium duty gas welding, cutting and heating applications, these regulators are ideal for industrial application, farm repairs and…
Heavy Duty Two Stage Cylinder Regulators
153T Series
Designed for heavy duty gas welding, cutting and heating applications. These two-stage regulators provide precise and constant delivery over a wide…
High Purity Medium Flow General Purpose Regulator
G152 Series
GENTEC® G152 Series is a Single-Stage Brass Regulator designed for General Purpose laboratory applications where occasional readjustment of…