It's summer time again, which means… Get out the oxy-acetylene torch kit because its time to get to work. I know what you’re thinking. “I like my oxy acetylene outfit but the hose is just so bulky and hard to maneuver at times, Isn’t there anything less bulky and easier to manage?”
The answer is yes! Introducing the new and improved Gentec compact torch kit. The new hose and handle will give you the performance you are used to, except at a 3rd of the weight of your current hose handle combination, you will be able to manage the hose with great ease. The hose is so flexible and easy to work with that it feels as if the hose is nonexistent. This compact torch kit is a small kit that packs a big punch and can braze up to 1 ¼ copper tubing.
Visit your local HVAC supply hose today and try out a set for yourself.